Tuesday, June 18, 2002
Preview 2

Commentary for Preview 2

[Tuesday, June 18, 2002 @ 3:46 PM]
posted by WolfBoy

This was actually drawn in the middle of a meeting at work (I used to annoy my manager at the time because I could sit there and doodle during his meetings and still be able to recite back to him everything he said). Anson and I were still working out the details about Kuniko when this was done. For record, her speech bubble reads "A-a-ano", basically the equivalent of "U-um...". The other text simply reads "Kuniko-chan".

Commentary for Preview 2

[Tuesday, June 18, 2002 @ 3:45 PM]
posted by Kendrian

This was a random color sketch of Kuniko that Mark drew bored one day. I always like the sporty outfit she is wearing, and the small bust line.